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Elaeagnus umbellata Pointilla® 'Sweet'n'Sour'® – Ezüstfa

7.990 Ft

(ejtsd: eleágnusz umbelláta)

Szállítási méret: 60-80 cm magas
Kiszerelés: 2 literes kertészeti konténerben
Közeg: tőzegtartalmú, tápdús földkeverék
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Védett tartalom

Hasznos tudnivalók

Leaves lanceolate, their top side green, the bottom one – silver-white with brown spots. Flowers smallish (1 cm across), numerous, pale yellow with a long tube, fragrant, melliferous. In bloom at the end of IV and V. Fruit edible and nutritious, larger than those of AMOROSO® cultivar, numerous, cover the branches densely. They’re sweet-sour in taste, coral-red, spotted; ripen in IX–X. The yield is more plentiful when at least two different cultivars of POINTILLA® series are placed next to each other.